Caricamento in corso...


To windswept hearts.

'Twas chilling air and tossing waves
That brought her here to me,
In wooden craft whose crew doth braves
The terrors of the sea.
I stood upon the wind-blown pier
And looked up at the head,
But blackened skies, for naught was clear,
Signaled as if for dead.
And frozen still, I feared the worst,
And hung my curl’ed hair,
Then in my glee became immersed:
I saw her standing there.
Her locks of darkest chestnut fell
Over familiar eyes,
And far away, I still could tell
My heaven in her guise.
Arms outstretched and sails unfurled,
And to my side she ran.
For boundless love can cross the world
From whence it first began.
Altre opere di O.C. Bearheart...
