

Sort of hard to say sorry with a dick in your mouth.

I’m not about to waste much time writing this poem
Cause you didn’t waste much time checking out of your home.
You just up and you left without a shred of regret,
And you forgot all about me when you got your needs met.
Let’s not mince words, you ain’t fair when you play:
I’d be a happier person if I just did what you say.
But I’m getting way past where I no longer care
Cause it’s sure hard to miss what was never there.
You leave, then come back, you’re interrupting the flow
Because you want me for love, but look for strange you can blow
And all I get from all your pillow talk is I gotta go.
I guess that happens when you marry up a closeted ho.
I keep getting told that this is part of god’s plan
That he gives what I need, and not just what he can.
But if there’s a god, he left without a trace.
I have no room for gods that don’t show their face.
With this back and forth shit, it’s like you on the attack
And man it’s hard to ignore a fucking knife in your back.
We tug-o-war on a rope that’s like a yo-yo to you.
So you can have your cake, and you can choke on it, too.

I shit this out in five minutes.

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