
from Pamphilia to Amphilanthus: 17

Sweet shades why doe you seeke to give delight
   To mee who deeme delight in this vilde place
   Butt torment, sorrow, and mine owne disgrace
   To taste of joy, or your vaine pleasing sight;
Show them your pleasures who saw never night
   Of greife, wher joyings fauning, smiling face
   Appeers as day, wher griefe found never space
   Yett for a sigh, a grone, or envies spite;
Butt O on mee a world of woes doe ly,
   Or els on mee all harmes strive to rely,
   And to attend like servants bound to mee,
Heat in desire, while frosts of care I prove,
   Wanting my love, yett surfett doe with love
   Burne, and yett freeze, better in hell to bee.
Autres oeuvres par Lady Mary Wroth...
