
The Best Love I never had

The Best Love I Never had, as sweet and endearing as a peck on the cheek. You captivate me with your gaze holding me prisoner for eternity. Your eyes voice out sweet sentiments  of eternal bliss. I’m almost entranced... I fall deeper and deeper into your trap. Like the foolish fruit fly I end up entangled in your web..anticipating your next move..From that moment on, nothing else matters..the world around us exists no more..Not a soul in a sight..Not a single sound  save for the beating of anticipating hearts beating in unison. I hold onto the gaze as if my life depended on it..yearning... praying you don’t look hearts beat faster..and faster in anticipation..thoughts of what could be, polluting my mind..I’m losing guard is down..In a blink of an eye, the spell is broken..our eyes part ways..hmmm..I long for a reconnection... nothing... I try so hard to get your attention..but its too late..your backs towards me... A thousand questions lingering around my head..what did I do wrong?I wait..and wait some more..Nothing... Damn you..Turn around..turn around and fill this empty void you  have left me with..enlighten me..put me out of my misery..captivate my soul again. Reality seeps in quietly... gentlyy..slowly..creeping into my soul like a thief in the night..robbing me of the beautiiful bliss captured in your gaze. I feel cold... isolated..unwanted..Damn you... It finally dawns on me..the realisation disintegrating my heart..piece by piece..I come to a final conclusion that you are and always will be..The Best Love I Never Had....

Otras obras de Kadie Jalloh...
