Caricamento in corso...


the sea is calm,
there are no indications of wind;
and the leaves,
       that remain,
       in the trees,
       they sit tight.
It's cool September,
in the northern hemisphere.
The room is still humid.
The autumn equinox is approaching.
In the past days,
there has been a long
       but slight storm;
       uncommon for the Baltic.
The rains have been intermittent;
Little has the sun risen;
uncomfortable for those
       who transport ourselves by bicycle.
The leaves
       are changing color;
and with the storm,
there has been a synchrony
between the wind and the leaves.
The wind in the leaves,
       generate a natural orchestra.
A show...
But today,
       The calm has returned.
The sun is shining.
       are slightly dressed up.
I can go to the outside,
       and breathe the marine scent,
       in the air.
The leaves have turned
       to an orange hue.
That autumnal nuance,
warm for the eyes,
counteracting the dawn,
       from the cold,
       of the end of the year.
Another summer has passed.
The festivities of the end of the year
       are approaching.
The long vacations
       have ended;
the routine returns,
the activities of our children.
The singing and,
       rhythmic gymnastics lessons.
The familiar faces of society,
other fathers and mothers
       and sons and daughters,
       that have similar routines.
       you breathe tranquility;
besides having the privilege
of clean and pure air.
With the nearness
       of the December festivities,
I feel homesick
of my family;
       my parents and my brothers
We are all adults.
Now, some of us live
half of our life,
and half of life
       of our children.
I feel well,
to be aware
that my daughter,
it developing in
one of the best
       places of this world:
       singing lessons;
       rhythmic gymnastics classes;
she has a full childhood.
The scale of
       the city, in which we live,
       it is nice;
The distances are short.
The days pass by.
The dreams are being fulfilled.
Little bit
       little by little ...
Little bit
       little by little ...
As the hue
       of the leaves,
       of a deciduous tree;
they change with the step
       of the seasons;
as children grow;
as the wine matures;
as the washed clothes dry up;
As time passes by,
       without truce.
The dreams are being fulfilled!
The wounds of adolescence,
       they are healing.
The projects,
       they are being built.
       is staying behind;
to accommodate,
       to the childhood
       of the coming generations.
Little bit
       little by little ...
The wounds are healing;
health is wearing out.
The intertwined consciences,
       of our marriage,
       they are drawing our future.
When winter comes
       some non-perennial trees,
       they will lose their leaves.
less time will remain;
like baby teeth
       they fall,
to accommodate permanent
      set of teeth.
And so,
      every conscious rational being
       - has a destiny!
       is becoming clear;
       with patience;
       with maturity;
       with enjoyment
               of the passing of time.
Like a sculpture
       that is taking shape,
       until its final form;
before it is demolished,
or weared out by time
Good decisions,
they carve the destiny
of conscious rational beings!
Healthy processes
usually, culminate
in endings
       fulfilled of success and happiness.
So love
        is setting in the cells
        of our hearts;
        circulating through the veins
        of our souls.

Altre opere di José Mario Calero Vizcaíno...
