
Winter morning

Winter morning
I left my bed
To go somewhere
In a full day fog
Without a blue sky without sun
I raised my eyes from the horizon
I see nothing more than clouds to
If I could hear the birds singing
Look Across I see nothing
If I could see the light will appear somewhere
That does not mean I can see beyond the horizon
If I should fall in a garden flower
It is difficult for would admire
And guess all types of shades
Only a space filled fog
Suddenly heard there would be a distant noise
Without that I do not see what it produces
But it is still a gap filled fog
Did this can tease my mind
This can make me confused is concerned
I look over what’s happening
In a sky full of fog, without sun
One day, a morning full fog
Is always better to breathe better air
Even when the breeze wind coming
Is always freshly softest
I breathe and think a few things
good sense of imagination
I honor those, who created them
All that remains for us to nature
a wonder that we can never imagine
which are best morning winter without sun.


Autres oeuvres par Jean G Catulle...
