
Only without you.

Suddenly I also salt, salt! Without you
is empty multiplying in my heart when I’m looking for you
Is there yet another that can fill these empty?
Only! Without you is to live without a smile, without friendship, without love
Is still living in abandonment. Only your wits!
All thoughts, all I am is looking over you
But! This does not preclude my dream shipwreck
A plain ocean far horizon
My imagination is to share the love for life
But! Reflection of my life is immersed in illusions
So your real me. Your beauty, more than angels
Farther stars there I could get you.
Is still living in abandon without a smile
Only reflective quitting can guide my way
Bad consent, shoving me away from my far away
Nevertheless I will remember you and talk about you
More you are showing more differences
If nature is smiling because you exist
Cross Atlantic and the continent is not even one
Beyond the clouds, I removed the track
How could we make invisible all that remains undesirable?
All my energy, my passion to lose far horizon
Without my finding treasure that I seek
Think you talk about you are traveling in a desert without destination
Declare all my feelings made me love you
That war and friendship, and to save our love.
Should I save you love? War our relationships.
Let us remember that love is built unity
How would I define love to tell you I love you
Defining love, without you even dive is impossible
Suddenly, the way you and your smile, all defined.
Salt without you! All abandonment release my deepest regrets.

Other works by Jean G Catulle...
