

Write love white as all thoughts
Peace with all spirits look for Him
Can we love without charity
The charity is more love is hope
Emerging at a time that we do not know
Let us find it, share it, without hypocrisy
With a heart that gives reflective humility
Forgiveness is a respect for unity
Love is also supported and obedience
What can you reap a perfect peace
Where life will smile on shades
Is a good example for those who do not have it
If his blue, blue, clean as a blue sky
Imagination we can provide all that is essential
When passion to change all sensitivity
But when everything we do is not real
Love is a universal key for shades
Which we may express all kinds
changing emotions we all colors
But! Love is what makes all essential
do I not suffer, he does not suffer, we do not suffer.
Able red, yellow, black, can we grieve
Chagrin we can flow in severe pain
But! Comfort is humility and charity.

Other works by Jean G Catulle...
