Caricamento in corso...


The most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of loving someone too much, and forgetting that you are special too.
~Earnest Hemingway~

Free my mind
of all your ways and
tell tale signs.
That’s where I draw the line.
Make your way right to me
Whispered the Divine.
Clawing at the chance.
Never did see true romance.
Sent to face the demon
and spin our fated dance.
My little looking glass
Gave that preview glance.
Like a snake I sense your movement before you make it.
Dry your eyes and wipe your lip can no longer fake it.
Still on my radar can’t seem to escape your prying gaze.
Out of my life for good counting down the days.


More on this poem:

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Altre opere di Introverted Sage...
