

A Crossroads.. A place we’ve all been ~ many times.
A place that can hold good memories or hard ones.
Are most Crossroads meant to be
A challenged choice..
Ultimatum-esque events..
A forced decision..
Act.                                Or Else..
Can we come to a Crossroads with ease..
  Or do they only present themselves when far too much time has been spent on wasted objectives..
              Coming into our lives -
         as the red cape of the Matador.
To Raise the Attention of the Bull– who was simply minding his own..
It’s Time.
                 Now’s the Chance.
or something...
is calling you.. vying for your attention.
Demanding It..
Despite your best efforts to deny It.. stave It off.. distract yourself..
from deep inside you requires– implores you to look at It..
And Again.
And Again.
              Until you See It...
See It.
It requires so much of you..
But internally– you know you need It.
Your Sole Sustenance relies on It.
Opportunity piques your interest..
There’s got to be a reason for all this.
Taking time to feel the Earth supporting you
                          Fresh air to fill your lungs
                          A Power from Within warming you
                          Water; to sustain you, cleanse you, cry with you and
                          carry you when you’re weary.
Feeling your heartbeat sync with her songs.
                      You’re Ready.
As you do..
You close your eyes.. put your head down..
Breathe in the scents of what has been taunting you.
To learn It.
To feel It.
To know It. To Be It.
You do..
Full Force at what has been begging for & nagging at
your Attention for All of this Time.
Unsure fully of what awaits you...
                You’re All In.
On the Journey you may feel or be alone.
                                   But you’re Safe.
        Take your Heart with you Darling.
                   Fate would surely Love to meet you.
In the distance.. You can finally start to See.
Still distant– you’re gaining momentum– what you’re after appears to be heading for you as well. Continuing as you are, you will crash..
into It.
          No turning back.
                    You continue..
                         Your life is waiting for you


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