
I am What I Am

I am what I am       I am a thousand waves crashing on a rocky shore      A grain of sand on a long endless beach       I am loved by the ones I love     I am what I am     I am a child     I am true to myself    I paint pictures in the sky     I make music in the trees       I am a lover of beauty      of music     of movies    I am a character    a monster under your bed      I am dangerous   I am weak    I am what I am     I am a thinker      a dreamer      I’m a believer
  I am a hundred balloons waiting to pop     An unnoticed spider in the crack of a wall       A single love letter thrown away in fear             I am hard to handle      I am a listener     a helper       I am what I am      I am an actor     I smile to fight away the tears    and I scream when I’m happy     I am a gentle heart       but I have a rough outer edge          
  I am a fighter     A lover    I fight for what I love    I may look fragile     But it takes a lot to damage me     I have a temper        but a soft soul              I am what I am     I am a sister    a daughter   a cousin      I am a bright flower that glows in the darkest of days      I brighten a room with my smile    my laugh      some have said        it brightens the most impenetrable of souls.
I am a gift     A friend      A thinker    A dreamer     A believer


This is me, in a poem with no punctuations

Other works by Elizabeth Tremblay...
