Caricamento in corso...

**Ode to Radiance**

Oh, muse of life, whose song I’ll sing,
Your brow adorned, a radiant wing.
With golden light, your path I’ll trace,
Illuminating every sacred space.
Your journey’s steps, a symphony,
A tapestry of joy and agony.
Through trials faced and triumphs gained,
Your spirit’s flame forever sustained.
Like stars that shimmer in the night,
Your deeds ignite a guiding light.
A beacon’s glow, dispelling fears,
As I recount your laughter and your tears.
With each verse, I paint a vibrant hue,
A portrait of your soul, both old and new.
Your essence captured, time transcended,
In words that resonate, forever blended.
Your life, a tapestry of dreams and strife,
Woven with threads of love and life.
A masterpiece that I shall proudly sing,
Cantar tu vida, alumbrar tu frente.
Oh, radiant muse, your spirit bright,
Inspires my pen to soar to greater height.
Your presence fills my world with grace,
A symphony of words, your timeless embrace.

# #Ode Radiance

Altre opere di ElidethAbreu...
