
**My Leaden Sky**

My sky, a heavy, leaden shroud,
Weighs down upon me, a somber cloud.
Its oppressive gray, a suffocating sight,
Extinguishes the spark of hope and light.
Beneath its gloom, my soul does pine,
Trapped in a prison, where shadows entwine.
No ray of sun can pierce the dense embrace,
Leaving only darkness, a desolate place.
The once-vibrant hues now fade away,
Replaced by a monochrome, a dull array.
Colors bleed into a canvas of despair,
As my spirit sinks, burdened by the weight I bear.
The leaden sky, a cruel and heartless jail,
Steals all joy and leaves me pale.
Its oppressive presence, a constant dread,
A torment that fills my mind with dread.
But still, I search for a glimmer of light,
A beacon of hope amidst the darkest night.
For even in the depths of despair’s embrace,
A spark of resilience finds its place.
Though my sky may be leaden, I will not yield,
I will fight against the shadows, and find my shield.
For within me burns a flame, fierce and bright,
That will guide me through the darkest of nights.
Autres oeuvres par ElidethAbreu...
