

With the hope that the trade winds may carry
My kisses to thee, I whisper to the air
The sweetness of love, like honey so mellow
Across the miles, may my affection find you there
May the winds of the East, like a gentle caress
Carry my heart’s longing, to your lips, I pray
With every gust, every breeze, may you feel
The warmth of my love, with you, forever to stay
For though miles separate, and the sea’s vast expanse
Lies 'tween us, my love, my heart’s true desire
Is to be near, to be one, in love’s dance
With you, my love, my passion’s embrace higher
So let the winds blow, and the waves crash below
With each whispering breeze, my love, may you know
That with every breath, every gust that you feel
Are my kisses, sweet, carried on wings, discreet
And when the winds die down, and the quiet ensues
May the memory of my affection still shine through
In every sunset, and the stars’ twinkling light
May you feel my love, like day follows night
For now, I wait, with hope in my heart
That the winds of the East, may they do their part
To carry my love, like a gift in the breeze
To you, my dear, wherever your journey may please.

Other works by ElidethAbreu...
