Caricamento in corso...

"Color, Race, People"

My mind is blank as a canvas and I’m no artist so there’s no telling where the hell I can start painting a picture to give you a vivid image of what dwells in my head. So please bare with me as I use these words as a brash and draw out what I feel as though will be forever embedded in my head. Black, white, orange, red, purple, blue. Either way you see it these colors represent you. Different races are nothing more but different colors from the same spectrum but yet we seem to use a different shade of yellow as a source light to view one another on an equilibrium that isn’t calibrated right. Now if you’re starting to notice what I’m stating, you should condone this but if you’re having trouble understanding close your eyes and listen. African, Caucasian, Haitian, Asian, Indian, European, Mexican, various cultures, different races Now open your eyes  and took a look at your complexion, turn around and look at the person next you and the person next to them. Our skin color is nothing more but the variation of this generation we’ve grown accustom too. So ask yourself this, what happens when you start mixing all these colors one by one, two by two, three by three and tell me what you see? With all these possibilities, an accurate answer is nothing short of limitless. An Asian men bare a child with a women of European decent and the child grows and gives birth to their own baby with a person of African decent. Right there is a mixture of 3 colors or races mashed up into one. Don’t try to deny the fact we are all one. In a 100 years time there will no longer be any diversity cause I believe we will all share the same color maybe not physically but rather spiritually just you wait and see. It can all start with just you and me or the person next to you and the other across from them.

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