
only if

neither nor

I’ve met that woman before,
saw her face but,
Only if I was sure it was  her.
Would I’ve spoken to her.
Her that I’m seeing  now,
Her that I’ve seen before.
By her  the strain in her voice,
The coarseness,
It can’t be her.
I don’t care what she might have done—
to it.
It depresses when people think;
They know who you love,
Who you are likely to approach first.
Like I, If you don’t want stress,
Keep the past in their past safe and,
Lock and key.
If you’ve done that,
Nothing strange will ever be inviting to your eyes,
Nothing appeasing to your heart,
Nothing appetising to your thoughts.
I’m neither a philosopher nor a
Self-taught motivational speaker.
It’s just that there are those people
Who when they pop-up,
Death or jail,
Jail and death,
Aren’t that far off.
In case the devil comes near me,
In case he’s more prepared than I,
Like I’ve just said;
There are people who’ll  look like,
The people you used to love.
People whom you’ve been
Told to keep away from.
Especially when coffins and
Morgues get mentioned.
Yeah! I’m a coward like that.
Only if it was true.


I wished that I was a prophet today. mark the date on the calender. It's easy for the heartless to play with your emotions when you aren't sure who you really are or what you stand for. In these instance on God keeps you alive. It's true that some first true love affairs are dangerous.

#Death #Jail #Morgues #MotivationalSpeaker #Pop-up

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