
Assent of the Lotus

FLESH, broken and bruised by circumstance turned in on itself.
Delicate, fragile interior self
Safely nestled under a hard protective shell of
Pretended disinterest.
A life lived in recycled abandonment
Indulging the spirit of the self
And suppressing feelings and thoughts meant to be shared
But pondered in a lonely heart.
Progeny of sons and daughters
With sustained strength, character and confidence in being—
Seekers of the way
Living honorable and righteous lives
Illumined with ministrations of life lessons
From the source of Paternal Biology.
DEATH - Separator, divider, healer, transformer, exonerator
Wedge between past and future life
Going forward with renewed purity and clarity—
Unable to look backward to the blackened past
And trail of disparities
Now obliterated by the light of tomorrow
SPIRIT washed clean in the light of love and forgiveness
Rising from the muck of flesh and
Blooming as the Lotus Divine
Embracing the joy in opportunity
To smile in the face of new beginnings.


This poem is about an absent parent who dies estranged from his children.

#AndForgiveness #DeathDivineDying #FreeSpirit

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