
Why on earth are you insistently doubting what’s clearly the obvious?

By Stanley Collymore
You’re questioning me why it is that I haven’t asked you
or don’t express any interest in wanting to marry
you? Well, just answer these few questions
truthfully and I’m quite sure that the
reasons will indeed become self–
explaining. Firstly, you want to have children,
albeit for all the very wrong reasons, and I
personally don’t want any. And while
your choice in that regard is firmly
fixed, mine is equally constant.
Furthermore, having loads of
money is a fervent fixation
of yours, but though I’ve
nothing myself against
having a comfortable
existence, frugality,
which you clearly
abhor, is a prime
virtue with me.
And while you see sex as an unpleasant duty and
even as a burdensome chore to be disposed
of expeditiously I distinctly regard it
as a cardinal characteristic of
every meaningful, interpersonal relationship
with whomsoever I’m closely involved
with romantically. So bearing in
mind just these relatively
few things among
various others
I’m certain
I can find,
You, with your much flaunted intelligence,
should easily cotton on to where exactly
it is that I’m coming from. And why
a marriage with you is as viable
and desirable a proposition to me in such
circumstances, as if I or some other
likeminded person were to idiot–
ically assume that we could
individually and entirely
unassisted by anyone,
successfully swim
the voluminous
waters of the
Ocean -
© Stanley V. Collymore
30 August 2019.

Author’s Comments:
Marriage is and should always be regarded, I feel, as significantly more than just a personal fancy or worse still a manufactured case of subserviently or even slavishly subjugating one’s self to the capricious fantasies of whatever dominant and invariably intrusive society those who’re contemplating it happen to be in.

For marriage is crucially about being genuinely in love with the person whom you honestly declare that you mutually want to share your life with together; and whatever successes and or setbacks you either individually or jointly experience during that subsequent evolutionary process you’re involved in, you’ll willingly and unequivocally both share and deal with these consensually and together.

Not something, and yes it is marriage I’m still referring to, to hastily indulge in or hurriedly retreat from to suit the inconsequential, societal vagaries of the day.

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