
When stupidity is so entrenched it’s best and even quite merciful to let the idiots destroy themselves!

By Stanley Collymore
The problem all along for racist white
Brits and their genocidally, convict
inured, overseas kin, was Harry
marrying a perceived by them Nigger
and thus, significantly contaminating
their clearly fawning to and precious
Middle Ages, effectively too mindset
monarchy then simply exacerbating
a bad situation of marrying Meghan
by literally odiously having her what
these identical racist, white pillocks:
the slapper Karens and their rather
azoospermiac quite usual routinely
cuckolded; essentially, distinctively
likeminded, pathetic gammon men
distinctly, offensively regard as his
half breed offspring while odiously
carrying on in their idiotic, state of
denial, that they’re absolutely, not
racist in the least. Even so, this is
rather undeniably the legal reality.
Personally, I don’t care how much
you loathe Harry and Meghan or
how strong an argument which
you think you can put forward for them
essentially losing their arbitrarily given
titles; well Harry actually. For crucially
as it legally stands, very clearly under
British law, decidedly unquestionably
Harry and Meghan children naturally
were automatically born, getting the
titles of prince and princess. Clearly
therefore, no one individual, literally
not even the monarch, himself, can
singularly respectively remove that
birth right. And thus essentially for
this removal process to effectively
happen Parliament would actually
have to change the laws in the UK
that literally decide who is or isn’t
styled royalty. And frankly, there’s
absolutely, no getting round that!
Likewise, this has nothing to do
with what anybody wants or
delusionally feels is right
in their sick and racist mind. For what
basically stands is quite indisputably
the law of the land. And therefore all
this rather endless supposedly olive
branch nonsense, from Charles and
Buckingham Palace is categorically
nothing more actually relevant than
the customarily from them PR spin;
which together with these normally
right-wing rags and also electronic
media offerings which are actually
similarly done, at lighting speed to
placate their serf sycophants. But,
the bottom line is, it isn’t a choice
in anyone’s hands; just effectively
straightforwardly, and undeniably
a case of evidently, 100% legality.
That the existing laws would
need to be changed. So
however much you
racists huff and groan Harry and
Meghan’s, legitimate offspring
Archie and Lilibet Diana, are
legally in their own right, a
true prince and princess
of the United Kingdom.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
9 March 2023.

Author's Remarks:
It incisively says a lot about Britain, those who significantly infest it, attendant with an ongoing increase in the surfeit of those that continue to do so and, moreover, delusionally think and avidly convince their dim-witted selves that Britain belongs exclusively them, that an increasing number of evidently downmarket overseas holiday destinations – the upmarket ones wouldn’t touch them with a barge pole – especially across Europe don’t anymore want these toxically verminous louts of both sexes or the indeterminate ones even temporarily in their presence , and consequently are quite assiduously doing everything that the controllers of these holiday resorts can, to both stymie and legislatively outlaw the presence of these British morons within their countries.

All over the world now intelligent people who already knew what they British really are increasingly being joined by others who categorically loathe them; a nation massively and increasingly tarnished by rampant self-indulgent idiocy coupled with the delusional and self-evidently deeply ingrained, intellectually challenged lunacy of specifically lowlifes invariably of the monarchical fawning type and similarly too intensely steeped in their endemic classism. Britons: not just the white ones but likewise also the Asian Coconut and black House Nigger Stockholm Syndrome equally brainwashed ones.

The evident solution to all this? Personally, I most logically and sincerely suggest that a most scrutinizing eye be relentless kept on them and whatever assistance that one can possibly render to persuade and help them eliminate themselves from one’s society and even more significantly the wider aspect of humanity should be amply and voluntarily given to them. Cognizant in all this that the purportedly “Greatest Englishman” that these same morons think ever lived and himself most ironically an uncompromising eugenicist, Winston Churchill, wanted to compulsorily sterilize their societal lot; and had parliament not stymied his ambitions in that regard the vast majority, if any of them, wouldn’t now be here; as it would undoubtedly have been their grandmothers and grandfathers who would have been massively sterilized. Being, indisputably, the direct targets of Churchill’s studiously beneficial eradication. What an infernal shame he didn’t get his way! But, that said, all is not lost as “Hope springs eternally!”


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