
The insignificant workshy prat Kate Middleton, who stalked her way to white racist recognition!

By Stanley Collymore
Kate Middleton! Poor waity Katie!
Someone who has secured the
aptly privileged life style she
was always desperately after yet finds
drama essentially, clearly everywhere.
What rather discernibly lazy, and also
not quite bright Kate needs to realize
if she can significantly, ever crucially
veritably, rather literally get her thick
skull naturally around that particular
one is that rather realistically she is
not really part of a family where the
Windsors themselves, are basically
concerned but significantly actually
like a glorified, simply in name only
executive in an odiously sick racist
and sickeningly, deeply embedded
business corporation is undeniably
literally another noticeably, pitiable
asshole, with absolutely nothing to
show for or genuinely call her own
is evilly, pointless, Kate Middleton!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
19 April 2023.

Author's Remarks:
A traditional Bajan saying: One can thoroughly wash down and spruce up a pig however much they want to or like in whatever fineries they care to as it make no difference; since at the end of all that exercise it's still a pig with the behavioural instincts and patterns of a farmyard pig that will happily shit on the floor of whatever location, however grandiose that is. To me Kate Middleton is unquestionably the classic caricature of that Bajan pig!


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