Caricamento in corso...

The Free-thinking Misogynist

By Stanley Collymore.
I’m a dedicated and unabashed misogynist and quite frankly
have proudly been so from my earliest teenage years and
afterwards consistently throughout my adult life and,
accordingly, don’t in the least bit manner have the
slightest interest in or any intention whatsoever
of changing or, far less so, ever abandoning
who or what I really am; and particularly
as it references in terms of this specific
regard that I’m referring to. So I shall
freely admit that on first hearing about it I was risibly perplexed
as to why my personally unheard of and therefore previously
unknown to me; and, apparently, a seemingly aggressive
throng of vicious detractors see it fit to irrationally be
determinedly wanting to, from my individual per–
spective, futilely occasion me such concerted
and collectively engineered strife over what,
and most unapologetically, I clearly am;
and just as similarly so –and rather ill–
informed on their group-speak and
obsessively focused part, in rela–
tion to what they subjectively
equate as my insufferable
deeds of calculated and
societally-inimical to
them wilful actions
of my organized
Individuals who, categorically and most unapologetically
by me I must say, are simply either a collective of super–
active and unnaturally endowed testosterone-driven,
hard-core Dyke women– yet arch-devoted feminist
liberationists they prefer to label themselves, but
liberated from what I’m most curious to know, since, as is
damnably characteristic clear of their confusing actions
and nakedly conflicting claims, it’s awfully difficult
for rational individuals let alone erudite persons
like me, to really ascertain without any doubt
what the blazes in Hell it actually is they’re
they’re clamouring so ludicrously about.
Other, in this specific regard of theirs,
than markedly and transparently in
unison with the same thoughts as
those of their acutely likeminded
conspirators and collaborators;
likewise also ingrained sexual
deviants; fake attested, chic
21st Century fashionable,
quite typically absurdly
and temperamentally
rather predisposed
too meretriciously,
pretentiously and
so typically limp–
wristed Queers.
So self-confidently, in view of all of this, I therefore,
must categorically and unrepentantly confess that
in the clear absence of all rational or significant
and meaningful, societal changes by them, to
redress their surreptitiously pervasive and
dispiritingly encroaching, unnatural and
self-evidently non-conformity actions
of sexual deviances on the psyche of
the common man, woman and child in relative terms
of the markedly concerted pre-eminence to which
the latter are customarily subjected to; there’s
not a snowflake in Hell’s chance that I will,
or should, sensibly  contemplate, much
less so, ever opt to intelligently desist
from my calculated and quite clear–
headed position of actually being
a genuinely, no-nonsense and
also a fearlessly outspoken,
independent and likewise
unpretentious– rather
dissimilar from the
many lacking the
guts to honestly
become so; an
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
3 February 2019.

This poem is specifically satirical in nature and was consciously conceived and deliberately devised in response to the sickeningly manipulative, downright lying, hypocritical, double standards, utterly self-serving and coercively engaged in activities by those who rather asininely and quite delusionally from the irrational world they inhabit and the dim-witted mind-set they envelop themselves in, that the rest of us who don't subscribe to their idiocies and, in their sick minds, worst still, have the a.udacity and temerity to point out their foolishness and damnably in their eyes even challenge them, must not only from their narcissistic and arrogant perspective be justifiably pilloried and demonized on all counts, but also permanently silenced through any means they can unconscionably and barbarically devise.

So strongly do I feel about this matter that what was meant initially to be a solitary poem written just in English - because this aforementioned behaviour I previously referred to is quite rampant in the UK - has after discussions with a number of those whose opinions I value enormously, have resultantly been turned into articles written in several other languages by me and with their distinctive and accompanying commentaries

#AsDeviancesFadsFashionableManipulation #SexualStupidity

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