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The debilitating curse of dementia

By Stanley Collymore
It’s extremely hard trying to remember events
from the past; and even the faces, names
and common situations surrounding
the numerous people and places
I once knew familiarly and previously, of
course, in an instance could fully and
happily retell their diverse history
and personal stories have, alas,
now obviously and firmly
abandoned me as well.
And it’s not just the past, whether recent or
distant, that is consistently a recurrent
problem, since the present too is at
times a complete mystery to me
also, as overall I feel entirely
powerless in trying to make some sense of
it all and hopefully decipher with what
residual clarity that my involuntarily
befuddled mind can muster what
is basically going on, and how
come that my very existence
that beforehand was wholly
positive and stimulatingly
vibrant – and all this in
a human model which
was itself completely
and inspiringly compos mentis
could, in effect, become so
disastrously debilitating
as what it now most
unquestionably is!
And in this process of doing so actually
create a puzzling scenario where this
prolonged dementia that I’m now
suffering from, effectively in absentia of
my genuine presence rendering me
a non-person – has literally and
inevitably, it culpably seems,
thrown my extant, human
existence into oblivion.
© Stanley V. Collymore
23 November 2019.

Author’s Remarks:
Dementia is among, and increasingly so, the major takers of human life both physically and psychologically within the United Kingdom. And the debilitating effects that it disastrously and apathetically inflicts in the most unceremonious manner on all of its hapless victims is quite dreadful and disheartening to see.

And while the so far known causes of dementia are too detailed to be outlined here – please do your own research on this matter – it’s none the less worth remembering or else initially acquainting one’s self with the clear-cut evidence that the largely sedentary lifestyle, quite disgusting cases of obesity coupled with a marked lack of intellectual agility across Britain do collectively play a critical and substantial part in the rampant and devastating nature of this widespread and killer disease.


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