
Sophie Winkleman: less clever than the fanny she used as bait to social climb into the Windsors!

By Stanley Collymore
A fucking self-serving and
dimwitted asshole is this
puerile, Karen slapper.
The Windsors “Hardworking and
Brave!” Really! What kiss me ass
planet is this truly intellectually
challenged cunt, very evidently
living on? Clearly not the same
as myself assuredly or anyone
else distinctively so with even
a basic modicum of generally
recognized, clear intellectual
acumen! I surmise therefore
that picking up, carrier bags
clearly stuffed with millions
of pounds Sterling, could be
considered as hard work by
evil morons like you Sophie.
While making as sure, as is
actually humanly possible,
that nobody that crucially
knows these odious Windsors and
exactly what they are undeniably
capable of criminally doing, does
compromisingly detect them but
rather simultaneously, routinely
given carte blanche, discernibly
and similarly automatically too,
by a distinctly vile undoubtedly
nepotistically installed, corrupt
quite evil, undeniably criminal
toxically Charities Commission
to carry on unhampered while
their likeminded Metropolitan
Police hierarchy patently does
the same by literally turning a
noxiously, self-servingly evilly
Nelsonian blind eye, blatantly
to this authorized criminality,
considered by scum precisely
like you– Sophie Winkleman:
as very indisputably, “Brave”.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
22 December 2022.

Author's Remarks:
Very sad and utterly pathetic also to see people who're supposedly adults vilely fawning over and kissing the bums of an unelected Cabal of nonentities that unwarrantedly live in palaces and all sorts of unquestionably so, outlandish accommodations like numerous stately homes and castles purely on the rather asinine precept of birthright, basically in blunt terms because the presumed right person sexually jerked off inside the considered appropriate pussy! Get off your goddamned knees and actually have some respect for yourselves, you pathetic assholes! Sophie Winkleman is hardly going to say, that the Windsors are discernibly the world's wealthiest welfare recipients is she?

Two of the most classic oxymorons ever used to sum up this Saxe-Coburg-Gothe-Mountbatten Windsor distinctly inured mafia Klan are: that they're essentially hardworking which is closely followed by the sick, hereditary crap that they're elements among them, who actually do work.

A member of the Establishment clearly defending that very said Establishment - what a surprise! Brave and similarly hardworking? How the hell so? Born into the lap of taxpayer funded luxury, having no worries about their children getting a decent education although the daft fuckers never make any real use of it as they're essentially intellectually so thick; likewise no problem in crucially accessing the very best of health care. Yes Sophie Winkleman, you ingrained pillock, so absolutely, incredibly brave and hardworking!

Palace stooges and PR teams working flat out to defend the monarchy and as well their cushy, well paid jobs. Doing all they can to discredit Meghan and as well Harry because they're so petrified that if the public, likewise including the brownnosers, get to know the truth the remaining support for the monarchy will evaporate and the monarchical gravy train will derail. Hence the very consistent Palace paid for briefings to the media rags, their hacks and those willing to jump on the bandwagon of crucifying Meghan and Harry for quite literally telling the truth.

But you're fully at liberty to fawningly keep your blinkers on as you distinctly sick mother fuckers are well and truly duped!


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