
Screw that notion for a start!

By Stanley Collymore
In the wake of the increasing murder
statistics in the UK with some very
particularly heinous and vicious
murders across the whole panoply of
age ranges there are vocal calls that
our country should, unquestionably,
be given legislative powers, to thus
specifically determine, who should
therefore be basically permitted to
have children, and very conversely
those that shouldn’t be allowed to.
As I see it, there’s a crucially large
hole in this discernibly barmy, but
supposedly basically sound logic
that the British state must clearly
determine who obviously breeds,
either by essentially, distinctively
awarding, refusing or undeniably
subsequently, actually removing,
given permits, evidently from its
own citizens and similarly those
non citizen residents that chose
to make Britain their own home!
Essentially, how can any sensible
person think let alone conclude
that any society, should have
both the indispensable and irrefutable
right to rather undoubtedly determine
who it really, unquestionably permits
to breed? Should wealth: essentially
earned or actually inherited, as well
as societal status be also included
in this equation of who simply can
or cannot generally have children?
And simply where does education
or basic commonsense, come in?
Realistically as I effectively see it;
any such arbitrary system clearly
would undoubtedly be wide open
obviously to unquestionably very
recurrent abuse and exploitation
and evidently quite expeditiously
become this implacable societal
pestilence– and I naturally, really
couldn’t resist this, lol– evidently
in a very obviously Reform Party
administered, and Brexiteer UK!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
26 April 2024.

Author's Remarks:
We're all rather entitled to our fancies I suppose but having very undoubtedly in my case quite unquestionably done my own legitimate siring, I must confess to my not having any worries at all on that score!


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