
Only those with pathetic lives and nothing constructive to offer feel inferior to others!

By Stanley Collymore

Rather obviously, there are still, in this 21st Century that we evidently live in significant numbers of basically white Britons, real as well as the usually pogroms and European holocaust escaped and imaginary ones, in tandem with their genocidal kin in actually barbarously ethnically cleansed, purloined and still emphatically, thoroughly currently infested habitats like their delusionally and asininely perceived, acquired countries like Terra nullius Australia quite obviously New Zealand, clearly Canada and the USA; and naturally Palestine who very evidently tend to be undoubtedly rather relentless in their quite fatuous desire to be lied to, and enjoy nothing more than their basically, so-called royal family quite obligingly doing just that with them. Quite principally amongst them, within this odious menagerie, of effectively and quite distinctly useless assholes being the stalking gold digger, significantly bone idle, who has literally never done an honest day’s work in her clearly racist Karen scum life, Kate Middleton, who undeniably can’t even see, let alone it seems recognize her vile hypocrisy!

Spouting off quite pathetically, through her PR flunkies and equally media sycophants about equal opportunities, plus ludicrously non-discrimination– what a simply fucking sick joke, clearly bearing in mind her racist degradation of Archie when he was merely just an embryo in Meghan’s womb– yet, all the while, enormously and totally happy, to not speak up about the evil, ultimate glass ceiling of discernibly obscene and likewise exclusive privilege, which she and the kiss-me-ass lot of them are firmly and basically uninterruptedly ensconced behind!

Does Kate seriously think, that everyone is a fool and actually believes like she and as well the surfeit of feudal mind-set serfs, all in tandem with the lame brain sycophants, and pathetically social climbing mercenary parasites– that only her child is capable of being head of state of the UK? And, isn’t it high time, that this public funded position was opened up for all children, who quite unquestionably are British citizens to truly aspire to? And put bluntly, what’s quite so special about your fanny Kate, and equally the sperm that William supposedly shot up there that makes your sprogs special to all other British children of rather sound mind and body? And just as bluntly, if Louis was the offspring of a white working class girl or woman off a council estate he would, I am quite sure, be openly classed as what he is; not bloody well and asininely lauded most sickeningly as some very ludicrously budding Albeit Einstein: though Yid he also obviously is, in the making figure, which he rather patently and self-evidently is not!

So unquestionably, even clearly delusional rather master race cretins, like yourselves, can naturally produce village idiots, as this Windsor familial lot has obviously done in the past, cruelly locked them away, out of both sight and mention, for decades until they really died; while publicly in your sick scenario pretending publicly that they had basically naturally passed away at birth or actually didn’t exist. Those two sisters just as one example of what I mean. And really the true reason for this family you married into allowing a few outsiders into their own incestuous inbred realm was because they were medically advised to do so as clearly their vile incestuous inbreeding was killing them. Go check it out; and specifically why Margaret became the first among them to do so.

So effectively deluding yourself that you’re special Kate instead of the useful Stepford wife and as well broodmare that you rather evidently are, but clearly simply sickeningly pushing this bogus shit of yours; and, also, absolutely, obviously lyingly, openly talking about non-discrimination: this undoubtedly in view of your racist stance, as well as the toxic remarks about an embryonic baby of colour, basically a “NIGGER” as you clearly then, and still do, perceived Archie to be, is really taking the piss woman!

Go do something positive with, and about your not all there son Louis! Then, publicly, show your Early Years qualifications; since you patently have none Kate! There are, in essence, people who have been doing this sort of work for years; individuals, actually in the front like who work full time to really  make the lives of you haters better. Rather well done to all those people but who, very truly and quite rightly, should feel insulted, by what you Kate are dishonestly doing, as you quite vaingloriously and mendaciously also steal their thunder! Equally sickening, in all this, is the bullshit, which talks about it’s your lifetime work – unquestionably, an unknown concept to you Kate – and, as far as this early years project of yours, which you only started in your 40s, thus hardly a life time endeavour is concerned, it’s really nothing of the kind. And, even then, you’ve copied and used the idea Kate, from what really is another initiative.

Self-evidently you’re working, and I use the word advisedly Kate, on the simply odious premise that you can fool most white Brits and their scum kin at home and similarly in the genocidal lands they have barbarically, purloined and evidently use exclusively for themselves, to the awful detriment of their indigenous populations– all the time! And, specifically in that regard you’re absolutely RIGHT, requisite to these serfs sycophants waity Kate Middleton!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
21 March 2024.

Author's Remarks:
To be brutally honest Kate Middleton's purported relevance or otherwise to the UK or literally elsewhere daft enough to actually think that she has any such thing even in the most minimal of proportions is entirely their own affair. However, as for me Kate Middleton has as much of a meaningful impact as did the late Jimmy Savile for whom I had during his lifetime and equally afterwards nothing but utter contempt. The same Jimmy Savile whose distinctly, grotesquely mendacious and sickeningly obnoxious behaviour was kept well hidden from most of the UK public because of his very intimate associations with prominent members within the same vile, odious and toxically verminous and immoral Saxe-Coburg-Gotha-Mountbatten-Windsor family Klan that Kate Middleton strove so earnestly, stalkingly and absolutely mercenarily to belong to, ultimately succeeding in her class driven, social climbing, white racist Karen and mercenary endeavours to belong to.

In essence, Kate Middleton is rather undoubtedly wholly irrelevant to me, and it’s not rocket science to ascertain why! And effectively has nothing whatever, of actual real substance to offer and to use a well-known analogy with her, it’s basically absolutely impossible with her to create a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. But that’s undeniably my genuine as well as my objective analysis of her.

Convict inured, categorically deeply ingrained Karen and Gammon, discernibly white endemically racist, genocidally programmed and delusional Terra nullius Australians, likeminded New Zealanders, white racist Canadians, who in their appropriated and infested with themselves stolen land they barbarically took from its indigenous people and now house far more Ukrainian Waffen SS descendant scum than Ukraine itself, and similarly white Americans: mainly first generation or immigrant scum thrown out of Europe or else constitute the detritus of those European countries and now asininely claiming that equally barbarically stolen country they likewise infest with their presence as their own; it’s a truism to say that had their kind been living in what subsequently became the USA due to the valiant endeavours of the like of George Washington, these odious mother fuckers of both genders or none at all would still be the serf colonists they are at heart like the Australians, New Zealanders and the Canadians. So I’m not surprised in the least that you serf-minded cunts worships the Windsors and mercenary, useless, bone idle, self-entitled mercenary white Karen tarts like Kate Middleton!


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