
It’s easy to complain from the side-lines; much more taxing to lead, right Nigel Farage?

By Stanley Collymore
Utter nonsense this pathetic
and lying bilge emanating
about Reform! The UK’s
first Labour Government obviously only
gained power quite approximately 100
years ago; so really employing always
in respect of Labour, and actually in a
basically negative context is scarcely
hardly a term that can realistically be
really applied to the Labour Party for
Britain’s multiple and consistent too,
endemic woes! Furthermore, a quite
actually, restricted form of universal
suffrage simply, very crucially came
into being, just years subsequent to
the Labour Party, essentially for the
first time evidently achieving power.
And what you idiots should really
try and actually understand is
that for most sentient and
intelligent human beings, life is literally
and quite simply, an ongoing situation
which generally undeniably, inevitably
involves change! A truly natural state
of affairs, clearly evidently in marked
contrast, to the literally idiotic beliefs
of Nigel Farage and distinctly too his
gullible supporters who undoubtedly
are discernibly the ones so asininely
trying to clearly ludicrously maintain
and likewise specifically also simply
pathetically, clearly fatuously create
and essentially laughably too, avidly
endeavour to very fully substantiate
their proselytising lunacy of ardently
regaining some basically discarded
and mythical, golden age before it’s
simply rather permanently, never to
be regained, lost to their irrefutably
undoubtedly, and characteristically
very unquestionably, prized Britain!
© Stanley V. Collymore
26 May 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Nigel Farage is terrified of being found out for what he really is; and having for 7 times failed miserably to get into the House of Commons, there's no way in which he's going to give up the grifting for obviously being a constituency MP, even in the highly unlikely situation he was actually elected as an MP!

Furthermore, obviously having failed to get elected for an 8th time would really seriously hurt Nigel Farage's avaricious earning power on the distinctly Donald Trump gravy train. And essentially, that most crucially is why Nigel Farage has declared that the USA elections in 2024 are significantly more important to him than the discernibly forthcoming British ones on the 4 July 2024. Stop and think on that one you fatuous morons! Quite bearing in mind actually obviously, that Nigel Farage simply isn't and never ever has been an American, while deceitfully proselytising himself as the archetypal Englishman, who still unequivocally has EU citizenship and unquestionably also the requisite EU passport! Not only for himself but significantly his family!

#DelusionsOfGrandeur #Greed #Hate

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