
Harry– evilly ranked worse than his mother’s Windsor killers and paedophile relatives!

By Stanley Collymore
You just know that it has to be
Britain when Harry Windsor
one of its truly, meritorious
sons is ludicrously ranked far worse
than the odiously calculating, quite
serially adulterous and essentially
basically also, unquestionably too
very effectively, privileged killers
of his mother in tandem with the
several paedophiles that are also
embedded within his family and
additionally, their most intimate
and simply too racist workforce.
Crucially, most unapologetically
I wholeheartedly, and sincerely
applaud Harry and Meghan for
speaking out as they’ve bravely
done as well as having literally
likewise and boldly embarked
on, what they’re courageously
and very commendably doing.
Far too many, aptly in Britain;
and equally also, among their
kin in the rabidly, genocidally
acquired and now very white
controlled dominions simply
like evilly delusionally Terra
nullius Australia; effectively
Canada and unquestionably
so New Zealand with rather
significant elements in KKK
aficionado, quite Europhile
USA are absolutely blinded
and vilely, programmed by
a ruthlessly, biased media!
Rather self-servingly like the
characteristically Nazi and
fundamentally rightwing
elements actually comprising the
British Daily Mail: a distinctively
recruited and quite handsomely
financed natural mouthpiece of
the Windsor family, and clearly
quite crucially, plus irrefutably
their Palace stooges informers,
who collectively and routinely
direct these monarchical, and
endemically similarly rabidly
fawning serfs effectively how
they obviously should simply
think and likewise too, react;
when the clearly pernicious,
truly evidently, mendacious
system, that toxically warps
the UK is appropriately and
quite justifiably challenged.
And that naturally prompts
me as an effectively highly
educated and discernibly
mentally liberated human being
to honestly and fearlessly ask:
when was the British public
ever asked if they actually
still want, let alone need
a monarchy; evidently,
to which the obvious
and so indisputable
answer is actually
never– crucially,
that’s evidently
clearly, when!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
8 December 2022.

Author's Remarks:
So 52% of the great British unwashed, brainwashed, significantly braindead and both transparently and distinctly irrefutably intellectually challenged and consequently immensely gullible voted for Brexit amid all the lies, disingenuousness and downright dishonesty they were remorselessly peddled by the likes of discernibly French and foreign extraction Nigel Farage, born in Britain but who is undoubtedly of recent French and likewise German, allegedly Jewish origin despite the laughably and as well, asinine ludicrous proselytizing of himself, amidst his quite frenetic xenophobia and entrenched racism as the quintessential Englishman but who though, nevertheless along with his estranged wife and their evidently grown up children avidly retain their respective European Union passports in spite of Brexit, as well as in Nigel Farage's specific case his enormous pension as a former member of the European Parliament that he publicly professes to vehemently despise. Very truly hypocrisy of the highest order but the irony of it completely lost on a largely imbecilic and deservingly so, contemptible British public! All the same, the likes of likeminded racist Susan Hussey won't ever dream of asking Nigel Farage where he really came from!

All the same in the sick mind of Nigel Farage clearly, desperately trying to attain some much needed relevance in his case by attacking Harry, Britain isn't racist because 52% of its gullible population, although exclusively that number was basically a majority only in England and not the rest of the UK, that voted for the racism and odious xenophobia that he Nigel Farage, with irony completely lost on him, and his sick ilk were peddling.

In very marked contrast the German public had voted massively and very overwhelmingly for Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party, knowing full well at the time of doing so what both Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party weren't only publicly promulgating, but similarly also decidedly intended to do once in power, and they earnestly kept their manifesto promises! Can't say fairer than that! But even so the Germans despite the war having ended some 77 years ago are still hypocritically castigated as racists, and sickeningly by of all people the bloody British!

This in spite of the Germans having changed their constitution, have very self-evidently become a modern 21st Century country and nation and are ongoingly paying massive amounts of Widergutmachen Compensation even to the spurious "victims" of the odious European holocaust; exclusively as it sickeningly happens just to European Jews, many of whom weren't actually affected at all by the holocaust or just as ludicrously nor even born at all.

Meanwhile in Britain where racism, as Harry fully acknowledged, is very entrenched in the entire fabric of a majority white population from the Windsors downwards who've all of them massively benefited from it as well as the ravages of both Slavery and Colonialism, and a situation that is still perniciously and malevolently going on, this surfeit of sick minds in tandem with the Saxe-Coburg-Gothe-Mountbatten-Windsor Klan obviously aren't only burying their heads in the sand but carry on adamantly living in their bubble of denial and unreality. So predictably these unctuous and as well utterly braindead serfs that so toxically infest Britain can't see or ever want to acknowledge the deep and endemically ingrained racism that verminously contaminates the entirety of Britain, far less so rather conscionably do anything about it other than to vitriolically castigate those who call them out because their supposedly monarchical betters like William Windsor; the MSM like the Nazi Daily Mail that he, Kate, Camilla and Charles routinely brief, likewise their Palace stooges all strongly and indefatigably believe in their own sickeningly pathetic but inured and rather delusional white supremacist ideology!


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