

Lost in the mist

Down comes the mist
A blanket of white
Gobbling up people
Like the dark does at night
Hazy light figures
Transparent like ghosts
Breathe all the cold air
On a walk by the coast
Fish and chips eaten
In the safety of the car
While dogs go racing
Wandering so far
Birds huddle up
In the cold bitter air,
The wind ruffles
Fur, feathers and hair
The mist plays tricks
Concealing the land
One wrong step
You’re waist deep in sand
Pages are turned
And newspapers crinkle
Hot tea is sipped
With ice cream and sprinkles
Conversation bubbles
And voices are muffled
People wrap up
Their kids in thick duffles
A sailing boat appears
Breaking through the mist
Sails are billowing
Not to be missed
Then light suddenly breaks
Pours in through the clouds
Whipping the mist all
Away like a shroud
People all stand
And the sun does shine
But the mist will be back
It’s just a matter of time...

A day trip by the sea lost in mist.

Autres oeuvres par Chloe...
