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Time To Start Realizing The Truth

This poem is dedicated to my pet guinea pig, Misty who died on the 4th of February 2103. She lost her life to a dog, the saddest part, the dog belonged to my sister. Misty was my everything. she was my world. I miss her so much.

As my heart crumbles,
And my life tumbles.
I look around,
I drop down.
I cry and cry,
Then look up to the sky.
'If you can hear me, I love you Misty, and always will",
Although I know the space in my heart will never fill.
I curl up and sob in grief,
I cry and cry in disbelief.
You cant be gone!
My life is going all wrong!
I start to scream and yell,
With anger or sadness? I can’t tell.
All I know is that it’s true,
But never forget Misty, I love you!
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