
Little irritants.

Some of us feel bad for finding these annoying, but boy is it true!

Get on the bus. Fuck’s sake, get on the bus,
You’re blocking my way with that tank of a pram.
It’s not good to sit your new-born in the aisle,
worse when there’s nowhere to stand.
You had to be that person, eh?
The one who pays in change.
One penny, two, a ten, a two.
Why be so annoyingly strange?!
What do you mean minimum spend.
Excuse me this is my fucking card.
I’ll spend however much I like on it, thanks
what do you mean there’s a cashpoint charge?!
Can you shut up please, no one cares
If it’s the fifth boy you’ve dated this week.
Or if he’s rich, or fit, or whatever it is.
He cannot be all that unique.
I’m sat too far back in my lecture hall,
I have the lecturer mumble away.
It’s not even that interesting outside,
why did it rain today!?
Can you please stop your child from screaming?
This is a bloody café!
If you can’t keep him quiet, then don’t let him riot!
Take your gremlin and go away!
I get it, I get it, I must pay for bags.
That shitty piece of plastic.
Environment yay. Asking and being glared at, nay.
Thanks for making me feel fantastic.
Great day, finally home.
Roommates left dishes that ming.
I just want to cry, but make do with a sigh.
Lifes full of annoying little things.

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