Caricamento in corso...

How to murder without touching

First, tell them you love them,
and then  never speak again.
Tell them you will be leaving,
but never tell them when.
Kiss them on their pulse,
their life submitted beneath.
Never kiss them again,
and thrive as they sob through gritted teeth.
Appear in every photo,
become the whispered name,
and when they snap, grow weary, upset,
say they’re the one to blame.
Grin as their smile fades,
grow stronger as they fail,
A tragedy on horizon,
Your murder ship will sail.
Tell them they were perfect,
but of course they weren’t to you,
Lie through pearly teeth,
say things that just aren’t true.
When you hear about it in the morning,
about them swinging by candlelight,
a noose around the banister,
You’ve done your job just right.

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