Caricamento in corso...


A natural display of exuberance glorified
Playful, teasing, pleasing, the pastel palette....
Artistic flair exhibited not of this earth born,
Not a temporal distraction of souls forlorn,
Peregrination through the tempestuous
Clouds-a-gathering, a-darkening, a-swirling
Shades of spectral grey, this picture now incongruous      
Clamourings, clatterings, all these people helter-skelter
Peaceful pictorial perjoratived, now a-welter....
A Piteous sight, ghouls to the end of the rainbow bound,
singular determination on their faces etched,
Each to the pot of gold outstretched
Hands grubby, bloodied, scarred
Chasing rainbows, chasing delusions....
Altre opere di Ash Patel...
