
By our powers combined

My friend and I wrote this... Mihai C.

By our powers combined
The world will be better
The world would be free
Our hair blowing in the breeze
Everyone’s carefree
In our little world
By our innermost pains
We’ll sweep blood in the veins
Of a world dying blind
Without a clue left to find
For the value of breeze
Is not for a heart to freeze
but to rejoice, to remind
the land before we were blind
The land before we were judged
The land before pasts time
Where we all use to be
Stuck in a big conspiracy
While the government begins to flee
In a world of greed
Fluid greed in the heart of steed
Watching mustang plains overbleed
By their hands, none is freed
Untill they make us all bleed
From the tiny little seed
That is now a tree
Slowly burns away
it seems like it was yesterday...
when our need was but that shiny seed
But now it’s just a pile of dust..
Slowly turning into crust
We’ve let mustangs’ blood to paint the plains to red-rust
As it piles together
No one seems to care
And one, without scare must embrace the truth or the dare
to tear into light blight Death’s stare
untill the Firmament awakes in awe, full aware
And the there is no one to bear
It’s not like pain is of the rare
It’s in the essence of the air
Yes... but let it be... throw the dice
Take a chance, roll it twice
Never miss a chance in life
If you’ve got it, take it
Never underestimate it
And that’s why I believe
The world would be better
By our powers combined
Otras obras de ~Kiddkoon~...
