

Para Iktomi

!Estos restos no son el presente¡dice la tejedora.
Regreso oscura con la penumbra,
ella me espera... me mira expectante con su pluma negra,
y dice: no puedes tejer en el agua
se teje entre el aire y la materia.
Empapada le sonrío temblando
y me doy cuenta que la luz de su pluma es el relámpago.
These rests are not the present! Says the Weaver.
I return obscure with the gloom,
she waits for me... Looks expectant with her black feather
and says: you cannot weave in the water,
one can only weave between air and matter.
All soaked and shaking, I smile to her
and realize the light from her feather is the lightning.

Other works by Alejandra Echeverri Botero...
