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I Will Always Love Again Cause I Have Myself...

I wish to be with me forever...
I wish to be alone...
For I am my own paradise... I am all the sky & realms.
I do not care about nature or to be connected to others...
I do not want to connect...
Unless is to my nature & myself...
I am anti nature & anti everyone & everything else...
I do not wish for friends or lovers unless is myself...
That is more than enough...
I do not need you & you are nothing without me & you are nothing to me & you are literally nothing...
The only soul I will save is myself for is the only one who deserved...
& I can never say goodbye to me.. Is an impossibility.. For I am the all possible.
& I am saying what I want to say...
& I do the fuck I want...
& if I have to cry is only for myself... yet I find myself smiling instead...
For I only love me inconditionally, I only love myself...
I have realized nothing else exist... & I know more than you.
There is no last time being with me for I am always with me.
There is only eternity inside of me & with me...
& I do not care if you like it or not... I do not give a fuck, I only care about me & nothing else.
Is what I Like, is what is is...  You are all dead, the only one alive is me!.
That is what will remain in the end, an end that does not exist for I am eternal, endless...
My heart was never broken for myself has always love me..
& if it has to break it will be between me & myself...
& I will save all of it...
I want to touch me & start all the fires in my heart..
For I am my happiness, my hope, my passion...
My energy, my force, my reason, my all...
My only motivation, my self inspiration...
I am that dystheic, benevolent, indifferent, impartial or all in one eternal God on his immortal throne...
I am my welcoming home, I am my sweet “evil” gothic castle & my own greco/roman temple...
Good or evil, right or wrong, normal or strange, that is just an opinion tho, a moral nihilism, just a contruct... Cause all of that is deep & clearly just mental, just my universal mind..
& like that is far more fun whatever I like it or not..
Is an objectivity... I am God no matter what yet happens to be that I like it... To be; That I can decide... Or maybe I have no limits to be whatever I want... Then the subjective is the objective in that case.... Or even could be both.
Things that others will never understand...
Like a cosmicist God alien monster, who is one with the universe & above it beyond human comprehension, I am the primordial deity, I, an existence so vast that other inexistent creatures are meaningless to my meaningful life...
& I know my kisses are the best... I am the perfect self, I am the better.
& only my name will my lips rise, manifest & spell...
My heart is too much for anyone else, they are too lowly, they are too inferior, they are nothing...
& I give everything only to me for I am all, everything!... I am everywhere.
I donate my blood only to myself, I am the only soil...
I know me & I know I am the only stranger that I will give my heart...
I am the only consciousness & thinking king.
I will let all the days & nights on my heart & mind begin only to/for myself...
For I am the only sunligh that is...
For I am the right path way...
Yes... I Will Always Love Again Cause I am the only one who owns Myself...

When I first met myself... I was already mine..
A decision or not... My self is loving himself..
And I find myself... Yet I was never lost.
Never lost when I find inside that being that I love no matter what that is me...
I was already find it by me no matter if I already knew it or not..
That life alive & existent forever, therefore I win everything from the start...
Unknown or known, I love it, he, me who holds me.
& they may want to pretend that is not true...
Yet it is true that I am present for always... I am the sign of every time, every generation, I am atemporal, I am the truth itself.
& I keep continuing my world, my creation... It is not enough even if it is just to own everything yet to create it at my own mind..
& I have to keep on moving on towards my own....
I only need my touch... I only need my own divine fire that is the only fire of the only God..
& only the kisses from me...
& the only name in my lips are for myself....
I will give my heart only to I for there, him, me is never away...
To the only stranger I love that is of course my soul...
I will not let another day begin unless is for myself & I am the only days...
I will not let another sunlight in unless is the one from myself...
Oh Yes... I Will Always Love Myself...
I always know new feelings, new thoughts deep inside of me...
The only possible thing to know is the between I & me..
& is the only thing I want to know...
I want to build myself, construct it, create it, develop it, make it grow, more & more! In constanst improvement, hoarding it, my great possession, the only existent worthy savings...
In initial or final steps is all more than fullfilled already, It was always like this and will continue to be for always, I am so fucking wholesome.
& I care to love myself & I will not waste it for I am every moment...
& I will not give it to unworthy ones any part of me...
For I am always better than them & they do not even exist...
I would rather wait for me an eternity!
I do not want to feel anyone touch yet mine...
I do not want to start any other fire yet my own...
I do not want anyone kiss or hug... Baby unless are my own lips & arms...
I will not give my heart away to any other inexistent thing...
I will not let any other day begin, I wont even let the sunlight in...
Oh I Will Always Love Again Cause I Have Myself...
I Love Again, I Love Again... Myself.
For the only possible thing that I can enjoy is myself, the only possible thing to love is me.
I Will Always Love! Again..... Cause I Have Myself...
I will, I will, I do, I already do, I swear I can cause I already can...
I wish what I already have for I do not take myself for granted...
& I respect me, I am loyal to me & I am grateful to me & I just can even if I am for granted to me...
I Will Always Love Again...
I Will Always Love Again!...
For I allow it to myself & no one else has the authority, I am the only authority.
Cause I have myself & myself loves me...
No matter if I change or never mate!
Hope is darkness & light my lover!
& that I do not need to explain it & of course not to myself! Cause we already get it, we already understand it & even if we do not...! I am already iluminated because of my higuer self & God own spirit that I own!
True power! True magic! True Love! The true fire of God is myself alone & I love my solitude, I love to be alone for my aloneness is all, I love my aloneness & my divine privacy & private world, the best place in the world to be is with myself, the best discovery & creation, a bedtime between me & I, both.
I am autosexual, autoromantic, I am the only mind alive, I am the only solipsist & Alipsean, the true victory of everything & everyone is I, a personal impersonal at the same time & that is so clever! So beautiful! So above so below after all, objectively subjective or viceversa.. A dual monism in myself, non dualism & dualistic at the same time inside my being that is the exterior produced by my own.. What a great absolute truth, the only true realism! Every truth is a paradox & I am the paradox that I love & how we enjoy ourself! I, me & myself, one in all, all in one, two different faces of the same golden coin of my ever expanding kingdom & empire...
I do love perpetually my self... I Will Always Love Again! & my poems are gift letters of love to I, myself! My genius polymath, creator of dreams & realism.
Oh! I am convinced! Confident! I know & I am sure! Above the land of the inexistent men, women & humans is the realm of the inexistent Gods... & above the realm of Gods, THERE. IS. ONLY. THE. EXISTENT. ME!; The truer one... I am all that is! & the Gods, men, women, humans, all other creatures & all other things do not even exist, they never did, except Me!.... I own everything & everyone, all, even the nothing is mine & I will create it as I please, as I fucking want.
I am the righteousness, the honesty, the courage, the consistency.
I am the only goodness, the only intelligence & the only freedom.
I am the supreme & the superior! & is an honor & revelation to meet me.
I am beyond destiny for I make my own... I am indomitable.
I am Lord Æl, The Eternal Invictus Immortal God King of All.
I Will Always Love Again, a love only the strong can wield proudly, this pact is infinite, I am infinite... No beginning, no end, just an always, an everlasting now, have been eternally here & I always will be  & I win it, I accomplish it all & I achieve it...
Cause I have me & I love myself!!!.
Now & forever, I find love complete for I let it be me.

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Solipsism, the theory that only one mind exists and that what appears to be external reality is only a dream taking place in that mind, cannot be logically disproved.”
David Deutsch, The Fabric of Reality: The Science of Parallel Universes--& Its Implications

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