
The Roads of Leyn

The Nest in the Black Tree

Loving faithfully the running angels roam
A house of the flesh was never Heaven’s home
Drawn lines between those broken threats
The Sprinter runs with no loss nor regrets
Can this love be the Hive and the Nest
Hangman bury the veins in bare chest
Clock Maker build the vessel most true
The tempest destroys and storms through
Wretched as will finds the bite
Thus the war wages, the never ending fight
Watch Tower send them the grace deserved
Sincere sorry’s go forever unheard
Tonight pulls the trigger, star collapsing
Leyn, God’s Speed be the steps dancing
Brontus Senglairn our hate war machine
Breathing all the soul’s intent to dream
God of the Watch Tower, the God Speed
Grant the grace in all our time of need
Lanes across the stars to carry us home
The Wretches lust for us with teeth shown
The fear has grown as has the will to live
I pray Leyn carries our souls to give
Other works by Saidwhattha (N.G.)...
