

Playfulness  and innocence go hand in hand, I always looked up to you, I was too little to  understand.
Playful games I enjoyed filling my heart with joy, turned so quickly to fright as I realized I became your toy.
Blocking out the reality was my only way out, my mind so confused it made me want to shout
Fearing when you was around gave me such a chill, the constant acknowledgement this was happening this was real.
Scared to open up and tell anyone, you were not even thinking of what you truly had done.
My innocent soul had been given another mark, I trusted you with all my heart right from the start.
The years have gone by now healed and moving on, healing my heart and soul of what was truly wrong.
You may of marked my soul, this I know to be  true but self improvement and loving myself is what I had to do.
The key to forgiveness wasn’t an easy task, i had to find the strength within to finally heal my past
I now see  the beauty i have within my heart, no more pain and suffering just my new life to finally start.

Other works by Racheal Dixon...
