
Mary’s Wholesome Medicine is for Everyone

We share the opinion cannabis is wholesome
And it should be freely available to the needy
Distributed with compassion unto those sickly
Used liberally to combat debilitating illnesses
We highly recommend high doses of hash oils
To anoint one self with natural green protection
Holistic treatment of herb is appropriate for all
Kind oily hemp infusion is suitable for everyone
Wise daily herb uses prevents worry and strife
Sticky leafs of happy thought banishes stress
Mary really is the best remedy for easing pains
Home grown organic herb a medicine cabinet
Natural repository of healing and blessed relief
Let the healing herb be available at good prices
Affordable healTHCare for the common person
A daily tonic to maintain health and mental skill
High quality pungent gunjah for ordinary peeps
Best hash oils, shatter, wax, polm and flowers
Should be offered to the public as their remedy
We have the opinion hashish is phenomenonal
Cannabis it belongs to each and every person
This divine gift to all humanity must be utilised
Planted all over to be fully taken advantage of
Good cannabis is natural and very wholesome
We must cultivate Mary to heal every ill person

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