

To the person who hurt me the most..

She abused he over and over again,
But she couldn’t do anything but hold the pain.
She sat down in the corner frying all alone,
Wishing to herself 'I can’t wait to get out of this home.'
She was the only child getting abused and beaten,
While her siblings watched her crying and screaming.
There were bruises and scars all over her body and face,
So she blamed herself for being born a mistake
Her mother didn’t like or taking any notice of her,
She just blamed her for everything she would do.
She warned her that if she told anyone a single soul,
Her life was going to be become one massive wrecking ball.
She was perfect at always pretending to be happy it’s what she did best,
But everyday was a struggle and test.
When she thought things were going to get better,
They changed for the worse and it ruined her life.
Now she is trying to start a new life,
But her memories haunt her back like a knife.
She has been trying to remain strong for so long,
But I guess now is goodbye for now and forever.

Other works by Perla Doumit...
