
Apathy & Saltwater

The darkness of night, the pale soft glow of the moon bring the beauty out in the world and the monsters out in me.
I’m a washed up mermaid with a heart of destruction & good intent. I’m the black cat with white fur.
I’m a scar on the hands of the abusive, I’m the slap in the face that never stops stinging.
I am the skeleton on the forest floor. No flowers grow around me.
I am only ever held by hands that mean to cause harm. I am only loved by those that think love and sex mean the same thing.
I am alone in this world. A black hole that sucks the light from the whole universe, from the whole room.
When I speak no one listens and my words trickle off like the sound of tumbling down a staircase.
I am the mistake others make over and over again.
The devil pities me. I have been cast down lower than even Lilith.
Hell would be heaven for me, wherever I am is as deep and dark as God could bear to create.
The face in the mirror asks me so often what’s happened, where have I gone? I drown her voice with apathy and saltwater
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