
Fear of above

Unwet world of big danger.
Weird limbed distant cousins
seeking with staring eye
the murky community
of floating strangeness.
Their noise vibrate down to the mossy floor,
waste and sediment lined
rising to thicken the filth
of gill filtered oxygen.
The slow, funny gestures
of one dimensional movement
casts easy food,
hooked and splashing into the jelly of life,
to ripple in shock waves of attention.
Our small world of bliss is ruined
when an unschooled friend risks the line.
Some reappear pierced and dazed,
but still stupid,
while others gasp their last breaths
of unpalatable air
before leaving the short span of our memory’s.
Round lips mouth silent screams
as one who was here,
no longer is,
and our pain is felt in our own way.
Taken and forgotten,
large eyes disappear for many lights and darks
then return to repeat their theft,
as our suffering is never enough
to ever satisfy their greed for flesh.


Other works by Harry Wellington...
