
Miss Pixie

Did you ever meet Miss Pixie of the Spruces,
Did you ever glimpse her mocking elfin face,
Did you ever hear her calling while the whip-poor-wills were calling,
And slipped your pack and taken up the chase?
Her feet are clad in moccasins and beads.
 Her dress? Oh, next to nothing! Though undressed,
Her slender arms are circled round with vine
 And dusky locks cling close about her breast.
Red berries droop below each pointed ear;
 Her nut-brown legs are criss-crossed white with scratches;
Her merry laughter sifts among the pines;
 Her eager face gleams pale from milk-weed patches.
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And though I never yet have reached her hand–
 God knows I’ve tried with all my heart’s desire,–
One morning just at dawn she caught me sleeping
 And with her soft lips touched my soul with fire.
And once when camping near a foaming rip,
 Lying wide-eyed beneath the milky stars,
Sudden I heard her voice ring sweet and clear,
 Calling my soul beyond the river bars.
Dear, dancing Pixie of the wind and weather,
 Aglow with love and merriment and sun,
I chase thee down my dreams, but catch thee never–
 God grant I catch thee ere the trail is done!
Did you ever meet Miss Pixie of the Thickets,
 Where the scarlet leaves leap tinkling from your feet,
Have you ever heard her calling while a million feet were falling,
 And a million lights were crowding all the street?
Other works by Lloyd Roberts...
