

To my grandfather

Its been a few years but your memory lives on, in each waking moment and in every song.  Iv come to terms that I’ve lost you tho it still hurts that your gone, but the pain of losing you has made me strong.                                                                                                                                          
It taught me that death doesn’t care who you are or who your  leaving behind, it showed me that even if your deeds are unfinished and your life undone, your time is your time no pause or rewind and I didn’t realized that until the morning I saw your face.                  
So peaceful and calm not a care in the world, no more medicine or machines, no more pipes, no more pain.                                                  
Then I touched your cheek so cold and unwelcoming and all I could think of was how everyone saw you at your last but I never even got that chance.                                    
I had no other choice but to kiss you goodbye, I’m afraid tho, the coldness of your body crept into mine.                                              
Now I’ve got ice in my soul and half a heart so cold.                                         You took the other half with you, when he called you home.
