
This Morning

I awoke this morning to watch you sleep
With each flutter of your eyes, I fall deeper
With each heartbeat, I smile
And let that sweet melody carry me away
With each breath, each rise of your chest, I envelop myself
deeper in the safety of your embrace
As your muscles constrict, tightening your embrace
Peace crosses my face
For there is no better place
Than here, than now
As I feel your hot breath against my delicate skin
It warms me to the soul
It carries me away to fairy tales and happily ever after
Watching you sleep
Nothing else matters
Just you and I entwined at this early hour
You are lost in your dreams...
But I can’t seem to take my eyes from the beauty of your face
I can’t seem to move my hand from the warmth of your heart
I can’t seem to turn away from the light you bring to this morning
As you sleep
You bring me overwhelming comfort
You give me eternal peace
You bring me beautiful strength
You give me undying love
As my fingertips trace your skin
Sweet anticipation fills my soul
As I think of all the mornings that await
And the purest joy fills my being
For I am yours
And you are mine
I awoke this morning to watch you sleep...


Other works by Jennifer Adamson...
