

In backyards, they sit and wait,
Forgotten relics of a bygone day,
Once-shiny coats now worn with age,
Like memories that turn on a dusty page.
Paint has faded, chipped and worn,
Bodies dented, cracked and torn,
Wheels rusted, stiff and slow,
Engine quiet, idle fighting foe.
Echoes of a bygone life,
Vibrant colors, loud and bright,
Times patina takes its toll,
Leaving relics of a distant soul.
Chrome has tarnished, lost mirrored sheen,
Leather seats cracking, the suns perpetual gleam,
Headlights dim, taillights fade gray,
Glory days pass, another time and place.
Sitting steadfast, a testament to time,
A reminder of the years, that pass away in rhyme,
Stories told in every crease,
Of laughter, of tears, of war, of peace.
Bearing the scars of life, it’s true,
Surface weathered, memory too,
For in wisdom, lies a story old,
Of love, of dreams, of times untold.

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