

Hello, how are you
You look tired
And lonely, If I may add
I saw you yesterday
Exactly 2:54 am
What were you doing that early
on a adventure?
If so, let me join
Its more fun with someone
We can be lonely together
Trust me, it wont last long
Soon we will be friends
Best of friends
You will tell me your secrets, I will tell you mine
I promise I wont fight
Unless we disagree on the radio station
We will travel everywhere
Cheap hotels and fast food
we wont have no limits
how does that sound
No one will judge us or bother us
You and I will never be lonely
We would have each other
But i am a stranger
a Stranger who is rambling
a Stranger who have no idea what to do
but you still look lonely
and it’s awfully cold outside
so may i join you?
That’s okay
this may been a bit queer
maybe someday
bye, I hope you are okay
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