
**Where Art Thou, Love?**

Where art thou hidden, love, beneath what guise?
Where dost thou dwell, that I may find thy grace?
Where lingers that sweet kiss, I long to seize?
Where is the balm that heals my aching chase?
Oh, tell me where, that I may seek thy face,
And quench this thirst that burns within my breast,
Ease the relentless pang, the dire embrace,
And find respite within thy tender rest.
Amidst the shadows, I search in vain,
Through echoing halls, I call thy name forlorn,
Yet silence answers, mocking my disdain.
Where hast thou vanished, leaving me forlorn?
Oh, cruel fate, why hide my heart’s desire,
And leave me lost in longing, consumed by fire?

Other works by ElidethAbreu...
