
**In Shadow’s Guise**

In shadows veiled, the theories unfold,
Like mists that obscure beliefs, pure and old.
They cast a doubt upon the sacred flame,
Dimming the light that once inspired our claim.
Oh, treacherous tales, they weave with cunning art,
Tearing at truths that dwell within the heart.
They whisper lies that poison the mind,
Leaving us lost and broken, faith confined.
Once, we believed in dreams that soared so high,
In hopes that sparkled in the starry sky.
But now, their wings are clipped, their flight delayed,
By theories that seek to cast a shade.
They tell us that our dreams are mere deceit,
Illusions that will vanish in defeat.
They rob us of our passion, our desire,
Leaving us with emptiness, a cold, bleak pyre.
But still, within our souls, a flicker burns,
A flame that yearns for truth, that hope returns.
We will not yield to shadows that conceal,
For faith is stronger than the lies they reveal.
Though theories may try to dim our sight,
We will embrace the light, with all our might.
We will believe in dreams that set us free,
In truths that guide us, in eternity.
Other works by ElidethAbreu...
