
**Forgiveness Plea**

Oh, forgive me for my wrongs,
The mistreatment I have given.
For the times I’ve made you strong,
By the suffering I have driven.
I’ve caused you pain, I know it well,
With words and actions both unkind.
My heart now aches with tales to tell,
Of how I’ve left your soul behind.
I’ve broken promises, shattered dreams,
And brought you nothing but despair.
I’ve been a thief, stealing your gleams,
Leaving you with only care.
But now I beg for your grace,
To heal the wounds I’ve torn.
To give me a chance to erase,
The wrongs that I have sworn.
I promise to change my ways,
To be the person I should be.
To show you love instead of haze,
And set your spirit free.
Forgive me, please, for all I’ve done,
And give me a chance to make amends.
To be the friend you thought I was,
And make our bond transcend.
Other works by ElidethAbreu...
