

Before anything can be, at first there must be belief, driven by trust, faith delivers your life’s relief. Words are spoken and actions are heard, your works produce facts with the outcome you deserve, how can you prove to others what you cant even prove to your self, not finishing what you have, but yet looking for something else, gambling on a feeling or a thought that holds no water, trying hard to avoid hell, while remaining close to the border. If you don’t believe in something you might receive nothing, blinded by your own world, missing your blessings, because you never seen them coming.

When you change your mind your life will follow, and your new decisions will reflect your tomorrow, because you decide to live right doesn’t mean you’ll see a total difference over night. Any and all things take time to create and patients would prove to produce a prosperous fate. If you want different results you must do different things, everything will remain the same if your heart doesn’t change, there is no one to blame but you, because you’ll only receive results from what you choose. There is true everything for everyone, just when you’ll think it’s over, the best part has just begun. Remember all great things on earth are free and the only promise you have is to be deceased, cling to none of what you here and half of what see, always knowing faith and belief is life’s relief...

Written by Derrick Pringle Sr.
Copyright © 2014 Derrick Pringle Sr. All Rights Reserved



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